Welcome to Cannon Hill District Netball Association (CHDNA). We are located within the Bill Cash Memorial Park on Wynnum Road in Cannon Hill. As well as supporting the local community with quality netball facilities we run Social Netball competitions.
Mixed Netball – Tuesday Nights
Walking Netball – Tuesday Nights
Ladies Netball – Wednesday Nights
The social competitions have 2 seasons per year, which run from approximately January to June and July to December and takes breaks during the school holidays.
The minimum age to play in the social league is 14. Children under the age of 14 can contact Cannon Hill Stars for junior competition details who use CHDNA as their homeground.
Team registration are now Open!
Click here for competition details
Walking Netball
Will begin February 19 and will play on Tuesday Nights
Details to follow, register your interest below
Click here for Walking netball rules
- Team captains to register team via netball connect
- Team captain to send invite link via netball connect to player
- Team captains will need players name, email, date of birth to send invites
- Individual players to pay Netball Qld membership direct to Netball Qld
- Team invoices will be sent to captains from CHDNA at the start of the season with team fees to be paid to CHDNA by week 3
- individual team fee payment not accepted – player to pay captains and captain to facilitate whole team payment
Teams Needing Extra Players
- Captain registers the team as per above (even if you only have 4 players!)
- Using the button below, captain advises what players you need and we will be in touch
Individuals Looking to Join a Team
- Use the button below to register your interest and details
- Ensure you provide your skill level by choosing a division suitable for you
- As team register their need for players we will be in touch
- We will be in touch via email, please check your spam and let us know if your circumstances change
- Allocation of single players depends on team needs so we are unable to say when we will contact you
MIXED: Played on a Tuesday night with game times of 6:40pm and 7:30pm
LADIES: Played on a Wednesday night with game times of 6:40pm, 7:30pm and 8:20pm
WALKING NETBALL: Played on a Tuesday night – Register your interest above