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The Greater Brisbane Netball League (GBNL) began in 2021, replacing the Queensland Premier League Zone 6 competition.

It is managed by netball associations for both association and university players and caters for players turning 16 or older in the year of Competition and includes 16 years, 18 years, 23 years and Opens groups.

CHDNA will be holding trials with the aim of nominating an opens team for the 2024 season.  For those wishing to be involved as either a player and non-player, please complete the below expression of interest.

A trialling fee of $20 is payable in the day and will be counted towards your 2024 fees if you are selected.


First Trial Date

Cannon Hill District Netball Association

Bill Cash Memorial Park, 898 Wynnum Rd, Cannon Hill

Opens: Tuesday 9th January 2024 at 7:00pm

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